Orange Roofing of Georgia

5 Factors to Consider When Deciding Between Roof Repair and Replacement

At some point, your roof will need a repair or replacement, but how do you decide which is the right choice at the time? With a proper repair, your roof could last many more years, but if you wait too long to replace it, you could end up with significant damage and more leaks.

There are few factors that determine whether a roof repair or replacement is necessary, so read on to learn more and make your decision.

1. Your Roof’s Age

Age is the most important factor in replacing your roof. If you only have minor damage to one part of your roof, a repair may be enough to get more life out of your roof. If the roof is near 30 years old, however, replacing it now may help you avoid increasingly frequent and costly repairs as it deteriorates.

2. The Extent of the Damage

If there’s any damage to your roof, you need to determine if it’s isolated to one area or spread throughout in a way that will compromise the integrity of your roof. A minor leak is worth repairing, but if there are several leaks or serious flaws in the roof’s structure, a replacement is likely your best bet. An inspection from a qualified roofing contractor will help you decide how involved the damage is.

3. How Long You Plan to Live There

If you only intend to be in your home for a few more years and there are no serious issues with your roof that could damage your home, you may want to choose a repair instead of a replacement. Don’t forget to consider the impact this may have on your home’s value, however.

4. Your Roof’s Efficiency

Newer roofs are more energy-efficient, last longer, and perform better than older roofs, so you may want to weigh the cost of replacement against the potential savings from having a “green” roof. You may also be eligible for local or federal tax credits for choosing an environmentally-friendly roof.

5. Your Homeowner’s Insurance

Your homeowner’s insurance may offer discounts on roofing materials that are safer, such as those that are fire-resistant or are better able to withstand heavy winds or hail. This may lower your overall homeowner’s costs, which may outweigh the cost of replacing your roof with these upgraded materials.

Other Considerations

If replacing your roof seems like the better choice, but you would prefer a repair, you may be able to layer new shingles over your existing roof to save on costs. This is a viable option for many people, especially if your shingles are in mostly good condition, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to inspect the area below the old shingles or upgrade the roof deck or sheathing.

Also, don’t forget to consider any hidden fees or costs associated with replacing your roof. Keep in mind that a reputable residential or commercial roofing contractor will outline all their costs in a comprehensive estimate.

Get a Quote from Orange Roofing

Repairs are a lower-cost, short-term solution to roof damage that can give you many more years, but replacing your roof is an investment that will last decades. It’s important to consider these factors when deciding which option is the right one for you.

At Orange Roofing, we have an experienced team of residential and commercial roofing contractors who are here to answer all your roofing questions, including repairing or replacing your current roof. We’ll be happy to meet with you to discuss your roofing needs and help you determine the best choice for your particular situation. Contact us today!